by iervolino | Aug 7, 2022 | Projetos
Read in English Originally é uma loja localizada no bairro Vila Mariana em São Paulo. Lá você encontra diversos tipos de incenso e materiais de decoração para casa. Fui contratado para fazer uma pequena música para a abertura dos vídeos no canal do YouTube, Instagram...
by iervolino | Aug 7, 2022 | Projects
Ler em Português Originally is a store located in the Vila Mariana neighborhood in São Paulo city. There you will find various types of incense and home decoration materials. I was hired to create a little song for the opening of the videos on the YouTube channel,...
by iervolino | Aug 7, 2022 | Projetos
Read in English Zumbi Ole é um game indie resultado da parceria entre as desenvolvedoras Carranca Games e Trixter Interactive. Nesse game fui responsável pela trilha sonora e efeitos sonoros. O jogo teve uma matéria publicada pelo site Game Blast em 2016, que...
by iervolino | Aug 7, 2022 | Projects
Ler em Português Zumbi Ole (or Zombie Dribble) is an brazilian indie game resulting from a partnership between developers Carranca Games and Trixter Interactive. In this game I was responsible for the soundtrack and sound effects. The game had an article published by...
by iervolino | Aug 7, 2022 | Projects
Ler em Português Kaiju Infestation is a Brazilian augmented reality game developed by Carranca Games. Launched in 2014, it was very well received by the public as a trend game, as it uses augmented reality during gameplay. It was necessary to download the map and...